
Grievance Policy

RDA Alice Springs takes complaints of any nature seriously and focuses on managing each

case in a sensitive and supportive manner with the help of a Member Protection Information

Officer (MPIO) and a step by step mediation procedure

. A complaint can be about an act,

behaviour, omission, situation or decision that someone thinks is unfair, unjustified, unlawful

and/or a breach of RDA policies and Codes of Conduct.

The nature of the complaint will

determine whether it will be dealt with formally or informally. All complaints will be dealt

with promptly, sensitively and confidentially.

Complaints can be made directly to RDA Alice Springs, either verbally in person, by phone or

in writing to the Centre Manager.

A complaint may be made anonymously.

In the first instance we advise that you try and resolve the complaint with the person that you

have the issue with.

However, we understand that sometimes this is not possible.

If you wish to make a complaint, but may feel uncomfortable approaching the person, you

can approach the Member Protection Information Officer.

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